SketchUp Pro Authorisation Error - Delete login_session.dat
SketchUp Pro Authorisation Error - Delete login_session.dat
If logging out and back into SketchUp does not resolve authorisation errors, you can completely reset the sign in state by deletingthe login_session.dat file for all versions of SketchUp on all machines if using multiple of either.
Mac OS
Mac users, locate the login_session.dat file in your hidden Library folder.
Go to 'Finder' and open the 'Users Folder'
To see hidden folders press Command + Shift + . (Full stop/period)
The path to find this file should be Users/USERNAME/(Hidden/greyed out) Library/ApplicationSupport/SketchUp[Version Year]/login_session.dat
For Windows users the file is located in C:\Users\*USERNAME*\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp VERSION\SketchUp
You can quickly get to the folder with all versions by pasting %appdata%/sketchup into an file explorer address bar
If you need to re-sign in to SketchUp for any reason, see the steps below. 1. Open SketchUp and Sign Out. To do this, click the account icon in the top-right, then 'Sign Out' from the menu that appears. You can also do this by going to ...
This information is now outdated. Current subscriptions will ask you to simply log into the newest version. Please note that having multiple versions on the same machine will count towards the 2 active machines and could result in an error regarding ...
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1. Creating Your Account Once your SketchUp Pro Subscription order has been processed, you will receive an email containing details of your licence, as well as a link to the account management portal. Click the account management portal link, and you ...
If you work in an environment that requires SketchUp to run on both Windows and Mac machines, one license per user is all you need, regardless of what computer you use. There is no need to buy a specific Mac or Windows version. With SketchUp, you now ...