How to uninstall Rhino
If you need to uninstall Rhino for any reason then below are the instructions for a ‘Clean uninstall’ which goes through some of the extra hidden files that are sometimes left behind. This can help fix issues with the program or just reset it back to ...
Rhino System Requirements
Rhino 8 – Windows 64-bit Intel or AMD processor (not ARM) 8 GB or more of memory (RAM) is recommended. 600 MB disk space. OpenGL 4.1 responsive graphics card is recommended. 4 GB or more graphics card memory (RAM) is recommended. Windows Operating ...
Using a Romer Arm Digitiser with Rhino 3D
This article assumes you're running Windows 7 or later. From the outset, Rhino 3D incorporates connectors for some of the most popular digitisers. One of these is the Hexagon Metrology Romer Arm series. Romer Driver Software In order to run the ...