Vectorworks Architect is one piece of software which helps handle this requirement. Specifically, working to Level 2 BIM, project participants are required to communicate data in a collaborative way. Whilst not necessarily sharing the same model, the data from each party's CAD process should be readable by the other project parties and should carry with it standardised information to ensure a high level of understanding by everyone involved. Typically, the file type used to transport this data between parties is IFC (Industry Foundation Class). Vectorworks Architect provides tools to allow users to assign all model components with their corresponding IFC type and then export in IFC format.
Level 3 BIM requires parties to be working from a central model, known as 'Open BIM'. It's anticipated that this will take longer to implement across the industry but Vectorworks Architect does make provision for working in this way.
Further Reading
BuildingSmart - the group responsible for defining IFC standarsd
UK Government: BIM Strategy (PDF)
National BIM Library - find objects designed using the xBIM toolkit, the underlying OpenBIM API. Objects are designed to work within Vectorworks, Revit, Bentley, ArchiCAD and Teckla.