How to uninstall Rhino

How to uninstall Rhino

If you need to uninstall Rhino for any reason then below are the instructions for a ‘Clean uninstall’ which goes through some of the extra hidden files that are sometimes left behind. This can help fix issues with the program or just reset it back to default. Most of these instructions work for all versions of Rhino so if you see an ‘X’ that is in place for the version number of Rhino. 

Another note, if you follow the path and do not see any files or folders then double check you are in the correct path and if so just move onto the next one as some stay behind and some are taken out with the main uninstall.

For Mac
  1. Quit all running Rhino applications.
  2. Remove the application in the Applications folder.
  3. Remove the directory Library/Application Support/McNeel. This directory contains the tutorial models and manuals if you downloaded them and may not exist on your computer.  
  4. Remove the directory Users/Your Username/~Library~/Application Support/McNeel in your home directory. This directory is optionally used by Rhino and may not exist on your computer. It might contain materials you created, Python scripts, and other resources.
    This library folder is the one that is hidden, so once in users press Shift + Command + . (fullstop/period) 
  5. Remove the file Users/YourUsername/~Library~/Preferences/com.mcneel.rhinoceros.plist in your home directory.
  6. Remove the ~/Library/Preferences/com.mcneel.rhinoceros.X.plist in your home directory. 
  7. Remove the directory /Users/Shared/McNeel. 

For Windows
  1. Close the Rhino application.
  2. Go to Windows Search.
  3. Type App and Features (or Add and Remove programs)
  4. Find the Rhino X program on the list, select the three dots, and Uninstall
  5. Browse to C:\Program Files\McNeel\
  6. Delete folder Rhinoceros X or Rhinoceros X Evaluation. 

  7. Browse to C:\Users\Your Username\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros.
    App data is hidden see here to find instructions on how to unhide for both windows 10 and 11
  8. Delete folder X.0.
  9. Browse to C:\ProgramData\McNeel\Rhinoceros
  10. Delete folder X.0.

  11. Go to Windows Search and type Registry Editor.
  12. Open the Registry Editor.
  13. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\McNeel\Rhinoceros.
  14. Delete the x.0 Key. 
  15. Browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\McNeel\Rhinoceros.
  16. Delete the x.0 Key. 

After this, it is best to do any system updates and reboot your machine if you plan to reinstall.

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