How to uninstall Enscape

How to Uninstall Enscape

Sometimes when programs are not working as they should, users are asked to do a "clean reinstall". This just means deleting a few extra hidden files that can help fix issues. 

For Windows follow these instructions - 
  1. Close all programs
  2. Navigate to Add/Remove programs in Windows.
  3. Uninstall Enscape by using the 'Uninstall' button
  4. Following the completion of the uninstall, please delete the following directories using Windows File Explorer. The AppData folder is hidden, to unhide see here.
    1. C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Roaming\Enscape
    2. C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\Enscape
    3. C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\Temp\Enscape
    4. C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\Enscape
  5. Download the latest version of Enscape here
  6. Then, navigate to where this was downloaded in Windows File Explorer and right-click on the installer file and select "Run as Administrator". Please ensure this step is followed exactly, or your issue may not be solved.
  7. Restart your machine
  8. Afterward, please open your CAD program and follow the Enabling Enscape guide for your CAD program, if the Enscape toolbar does not appear in your CAD after completing the installation steps.

For the Mac version -
  1. Ensure all applications using Enscape have been closed and Quit.
  2. Next we will need to delete some files. This is easiest done by opening up a Finder window to the Users area and then follow the paths described below. Once you have the first Finder window open press Shift, Command, . (Full stop/period) to show hidden folders.
    1. Applications > Chaos > Enscape and run the uninstall and select Enscape to be uninstalled
    2. Users > YourUsername > (Hidden/greyed out) Library > Application support > Enscape and delete this folder
    3. Users > YourUsername > (Hidden/greyed ).Chaos > Enscape - Move to bin
    4. Users > YourUsername > Documents > Enscape - ensure none of your work files are saved here and delete this folder. It should look like this

  1. Download the latest version of Enscape here
  2. Then, Double click the installer and install
  3. Restart your machine
  4. Afterward, please open your CAD program and follow the Enabling Enscape guide for your CAD program, if the Enscape toolbar does not appear in your CAD after completing the installation steps.

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