How to manage floating licences

How to manage my Chaos floating licences (for V-Ray/Enscape)

Why you might need to use this feature

If you have multiple users of V-Ray or Enscape but not everyone needs a full subscription 24/7

You have a sizable team and only a few members are using Chaos products at any one time

People have left/joined the company and looking for a simpler and universal system to keep track of the licences 

How to get started? 

Head to and in the organisation tab the Admin can activate ‘Floating Licence Sharing’ 

When purchasing a Licence the user is marked as a ‘Admin’ and can add other ‘Members’ to the organisation.

Any floating licences are then available to be shared and used by any member of the organisation.

If a user needs their own dedicated licence for any reason then the Admin can assign a licence in multiple ways in the organisation page.

  1. Click the three dots by Products and follow the steps provided.
  2. On the user click the box to the left-hand side, then in the pop up select Products - This menu will look similar to the first method.
  3. On the user click the three dots to the right of their name and ‘Allocate product to user’ - This has a different menu layout so if the other methods do not work for any reason try this one.

Do note that the pool the ‘members’ take from is the licences assigned to the admins only.

How to see who's using a licence? 

To see where these licences are in use the admin with the licences can go to the licence server and view their software and the licences in use. 

The licence server is downloaded alongside software but can also be downloaded separately here.

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