Clean reinstall of GPU Drivers

How to Clean Reinstall Your GPU Drivers

Many CAD applications rely on the GPU and and when issues arise in software, updating the drivers are usually the first step and enough to get up and running or rule out the GPU as causing issues.  However some issues like Cinema 4D's indefinite loading require a stronger method to clear the issue.

To perform a clean install of your graphics card (GPU). Ensure anything using your graphics card is not running, to be sure give your machine a reboot and then follow the steps immediately after without opening or closing other applications. 

Now head to ‘Device Manager’ and under ‘Display adapters’ look to see what GPU your machine has. These instructions are for NVIDIA specifically but if you have a different brand like AMD then feel free to contact our support team for further support. 

Once you know what GPU you have, go to the NVIDIA website and download the latest driver update.

Once you have found and downloaded the driver, run the application and follow the on screen instructions until you see ‘Custom (Advanced)’ 

In this setting ensure to click ‘Perform a clean installation’ and continue. This will remove any profiles you have created including previous settings and previous drivers but this is necessary when troubleshooting to have a fresh GPU to help diagnose the issue.

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